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Fellow Community Station Ujima FM had live programmes stopped last week when it emerged that the leasholders of the building had not been paying their utility bills even though Ujima Radio were totally up to date.

Power was cut off meaning that only playlisted music could be broadcast untl the situation was resolved. Following an appearance on the joint One Love Breakfast show and a subesquent campaign via twitter asking Mayor George Ferguson to intervene because the building is Council owned, then a demonstartion outside the studios in Wilder Street on Friday,the following startement has been released.

The Mayor of Bristol George Ferguson said: “I have asked officers to intervene in order to ensure that Ujima Radio is back on air as soon as possible. We have asked British Gas, which provides power to 97 Wilder Street, to install individual meters for all tenants so that everyone is responsible for paying for their own power and weanticipate that power will be restored some time around the middle of next week.“The radio station provides an important service to the local community and I want to ensure that this situation is resolved as quickly as possible so that it can resume service once again.

”The Chair of Ujima Radio cic, Roger Griffith said, “We welcome this bold intervention by the Mayor to ensure our Radio station is back on air. I would also like to thank city councillors from all parties and our many friends who rallied around us in our time of need, from the community, arts and media groups. Finally we would like to pay tribute to our tireless volunteers and loyal listeners for their fantastic support and total dedication to our important cause.